Monday, May 30, 2011

Concessions for Peace

The condemnation of President Obama by some Jewish leaders over his stance that Israel should return to pre-1967 borders is petty and misplaced. These leaders should realize that it is Israel's role to protect the Jewish people not the other way around.

Israel was created as a homeland and a place of protection for the persecuted Jews. But, as a result of Israel's aggressive acts of retaliation, Jews continue to be despised. The best way for Israel to protect the Jewish people is not through a military show of mite. That has shown itself to be a failed strategy. Instead, Israel needs to engage in negotiations, give concessions, and reach a compromise. Agreements with Egypt and Jordan show that it's possible.

Jewish leaders have lost sight of the goal. it is not to create an all-powerful imperial Israel. The goal is to create a safe homeland for Jews. The best way to do that is by accumulating friendly neighbors. If giving up some land to achieve the larger goal is necessary, then so be it.

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